L&M Consulting LLC, Refocus On Happiness / Refocus On Power - Program Agreement / Terms Of Use

By Using And Engaging In The Follow Program You Agree To The Following:

The information and recommendations in the book are based on training, personal experience, and very extensive research.  The author of this book is not dispensing medical advice.  The intent of the author is only to offer information on the importance of exploring potentiality that perhaps has not previously been explored by the user.  Access to first-hand accounts of practitioners of the process (including medical professionals) is readily available on the author’s YouTube channel.  It is very unlikely you will see such compelling evidence from anyone else on planet earth that there might indeed be a better way to get over past hurt and disappointment!  However, it is not intended for this book to be a replacement for sound medical advice from a medical professional.  It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to consult with whomever you feel you must consult with before engaging in a lifestyle change.  Application of the information and recommendations described herein are undertaken at your own risk.  The user of this material agrees to takes full responsibility for their life and well-being, as well as the lives and well-being of their family and children (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after this program.  All recommendations contained in this book are made without guarantee on the part of the author and their associates.  The author and their associates disclaim all liability in connection with the use of information presented.

Welcome to your personalized program to teach you how to condition your mind for emotional resiliency and harness the two most valuable resources in your life, emotional states, and energy. During the coming weeks and months, you will discover and create a more energized and emotionally resourceful you as well as strengthen your internal communications allowing you to end years of self-sabotage.

This Agreement is made today between L&M Consulting LLC ("the Coach") and Client ("the Client" aka YOU). 

ONE PRIMARY SERVICE TO BE RENDERED (in consideration for payment to the Coach)

1) 90 days of access to pre-recorded modules / lessons (not lifetime)


Client represents and warrants the following: 

a) The Client understands that the role of the Coach is not to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. Rather, the Coach is a mentor and guide who has been trained in holistic health, well-being and communication strategies to help clients reach their own goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes.

b) The Client understands that the Coach is not acting in the capacity of a doctor, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and that any advice given by the Coach is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals.

c) If the Client is under the care of a healthcare professional or currently uses prescription medications, the Client should discuss any lifestyle with his or her doctor, and should not discontinue any prescription medications without first consulting his or her doctor. 

d) The Client has chosen to work with the Coach and understands that the information received should not be seen as medical or nursing advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals. 

e) The Client agrees that it has been made clear that The Coach has not claimed to have any special life coach certifications or other credentials. The Coach has made it clear that he is simply teaching his own personal process that he has taught while working as a life coach for years.

f) The Client acknowledges that the Client takes full responsibility for the Client’s life and well -being, as well as the lives and well-being of the Client’s family and children (where applicable), and all decisions made during and after this program. 

g) The Client expressly assumes the risks of the Program, including the risks inherent in making lifestyle changes.

h) The Client releases the Coach from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which the Client ever had, now has or will have in the future against the Coach, arising from the Client’s past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the Program, unless arising from the gross negligence of the Coach. 

i) The Client further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless and The Coach, their grantees and agents for, from, and against any demand, claim, suit, action, proceeding, cost, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from any breach or alleged breach of these representations and warranties or from the Coach's efforts to resolve the claim.


The Client agrees that in order to get the full long-term benefit, the entire program must be completed. If Client quits prior to completing the entire program, Client does so at their own risk.

1) Tools that will increase your emotional states, energy, health, performance and communications with yourself as well as others

2) My personal commitment to reaching your highest level of emotional wellness, energy, overall well-being as well as experiencing more satisfying relationships

Lastly, I have been made aware that all calls, coach calls, and Q&As are recorded. I agree that recorded video calls may be viewed by other clients.


The Coach will keep the Client’s information private and will not share the Client’s information to any third party unless compelled to by law. 

Client agrees that all training materials provided by the Coach, including but not limited to documents and audio recordings are proprietary, cannot be disclosed and are strictly confidential. Coach can make immediate claim to the full value of this contract plus a minimum additional $4000 for breach of contract, which is not intended to be a penalty and is simply an estimate of potential legal fees to be incurred for going to trial. 

Terms of Sale: 

(a) You hereby agree that all program sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferrable.

(b) You agree that you have fully consented to any payment to the Coach and that any/all payments are valid and that you have consented to the purchase of the Refocus On Happiness program.

(c) You agree to waive any/all rights to charge-back, dispute, or make claims (“disputes”) against any payment made to the Coach as being fraudulent, purchased in error, services not delivered to you, product not received, or any other dispute which claims that any payment is unlawful.

(d) You agree to not initiate any disputes or claims through your credit card company, bank, lending institution, or any other payment provider since you have fully consented to all charges outlined and thus you agree that you may not dispute any payments made to the Coach.

e) Furthermore I agree that it is beyond clear that this contract stipulates that there are no refunds for any reason whatsoever. I agree that this program is only for serious, committed, and ethical people who understand that to get real results takes a real commitment, and therefore I am committed to this program. Therefore I agree that if I knowingly attempt to unethically initiate a credit card dispute or other method attempting to receive a refund even though this contract strictly forbids it, the Coach can make immediate claim to the full value of this contract plus a minimum additional $4000 for breach of contract, which is not intended to be a penalty and is simply an estimate of potential legal fees to be incurred for going to trial. Additionally, I agree that filing a false credit card dispute when you have received services could potentially make you liable for any legal fees incurred beyond the $4000 estimate for breach of contract.

f) NON-DISPARAGEMENT. The Parties agree that they shall not disparage, criticize, or defame the other Party, its affiliates and their respective affiliates, directors, officers, agents, partners, stockholders or employees. Nothing in this section apply to any evidence or testimony required by any court, arbitrator or government agency.

In summary, I agree to be ethical and honorable with my business dealings and pay my coach fairly for their services and time. If I have a situation, I agree that I have a sincere desire to get the outcome, therefore I would contact my coach and allow my coach the opportunity to make things right!

Refund and Cancellation Policy: No payments will be refunded at any time for any reason. No cancellations are allowed for any reason. Therefore, the transaction above has been authorized by me and is final:


In the event that there ever arises a dispute between Coach and Client, all parties agree that proper venue for any and all disputes shall rest solely in Miami Dade County. 

This agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Florida. Any portion of this contract found to be not valid under Florida law shall not invalidate the entire contract but only that portion proven to be invalid under Florida Law. 

All parties agree that the prevailing party to any dispute, lawsuit, or similar shall be entitled to recover all attorney fees, costs, and damages from the losing party. All parties agree that the laws of the State of Florida govern this contract and any dispute. 


All materials, videos, documents are to be used for Client's personal use only. Client agrees not to, directly or indirectly through a third party, share or redistribute any materials in any way shape or form without written permission from the Coach. Client agrees that he/she is participating in the program strictly for their own personal benefit and in no way shape or form will leverage these materials. Client agrees that all Refocus On Happiness training materials, including but not limited to documents and audio recordings are proprietary are the protected intellectual property owned by the Coach subject to protections by copyright / trademark / trade secret laws, cannot be disclosed and are confidential.

If participant violates this they assume liability for any financial impacts and all damages afforded by the law that the Coach may suffer as a result of this breach.

If participant breaches this contract they assume liability for any financial impacts and all damages afforded by the law that the Coach may suffer as a result of this breach.

If Client violates this agreement and is found liable for breach of contract, Client understands he/she will be liable for $4000 for breach of contract, which is not intended to be a penalty and is simply an estimate of potential legal fees to be incurred for going to trial plus additional legal fees plus financial impacts the Coach may suffer as result of breach of contract. Therefore the Client agrees to be ethical and honorable with their business dealings with the Coach.

If the terms of this Agreement are acceptable, please sign the acceptance below. By doing so, the Client acknowledges that: (1) he/she has received a copy of this letter agreement; (2) he/she has had an opportunity to discuss the contents with the Coach and, if desired, to have it reviewed by an attorney; and (3) the client understands, accepts and agrees to abide by the terms hereof.